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SHP Picks Guest Blog

Seven tips for assessing the OCR GCSE History B World Depth Study

This month, Asher Goodenough, Subject Specialist History/Critical Thinking at OCR, is offering some tips for people on assessing the new OCR B World Depth Study. Understandably, many of the calls and emails we get at OCR ask us exactly how to apply the mark schemes on the new SHP GCSE. There are some important changes to the types of questions, and the way these mark schemes will be applied, compa...

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Regional Advisers Recommend…preparation for the new OCR B GCSE

Now we’re all into the maelstrom of teaching the new GCSE, your thoughts might be straying forwards to thinking about how you can prepare for future units whilst at the same time continuing to teach amazing lessons on your current unit. The Regional Advisers are here to help! Here are some accessible and interesting suggestions to help you enrich your knowledge of some aspects of the new OCR...

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Regional Advisers Recommend…summer days out

Having reached the summer holidays, this month our regional advisers are sharing their favourite local historic site, to help you plan the long days of exploring you have ahead of you.   One of my favourite local history spots is the newly renovated Lincoln Castle. The castle was built by William the Conqueror and you can see the motte and other features of the castle as well as walk all the ...

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