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Letters to a New History Teacher: No. 12

Sam and his Xmas tree

What would you give a new History teacher for Christmas?

My Christmas tree went up today.

Since having a son I’ve wanted to begin traditions and one of them is for my son to decorate the tree with his cousins. So the tree is now standing tall, proudly wearing its decorations. The fact they look like they’ve been thrown at the tree is EXACTLY what I wanted – not an over-designed, Woman&Home-quality look. Rather a childlike, exuberant style that shouts “we loved doing this!”

So I’m feeling festive. And this got me thinking about this series of blogs. I’ve spent the past few months blogging my ideas and thoughts and, rather selfishly, haven’t once asked other people to contribute. And as I’ve seen from my happiness-inducing Christmas tree, when people get together wonderful things happen…

…and thus I’m hoping that you’ll join me this week and contribute your ideas and thoughts for next week’s last blog of the term, beautifully-wrapped, mince pies and tinsel-trimmed Christmas present blog. What tip or piece of advice would you give as a Christmas present to an NQT and others new to teaching history? If we all contribute then next week we’ll be able to unwrap one hell of a letter, full of mini gifts!

Either tweet your tip to @1972SHP, @estarnott or email it to:
do include your name if you’d like us to say a public thank you (which we would like to do). Of course we wouldn’t share your email address.

I can’t wait to hear from you!

