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SHP12: Proud to be a history teacher

The title of this blog-of-blogs about the SHP Conference 2012 is shamelessly ripped from Neil Bates and Richard McFahn. But it does sum up the energy, enthusiasm and commitment of all the history teachers who met up in Leeds this year.

Read Richard and Neil’s blog in full on their website, HistoryResourceCupboard at:

Sally Thorne posted a blog of every session she attended, 11 in all – on the plenaries, workshops and TeachMeets. She’d tweeted ‘Sum up conference in a word? Restorative’:

Ed Podesta is the guest blogger on the Hodder History Nest for July – and has 4 posts related to the conference, the last one talking about what he and his colleagues will take from the 2012 SHP Conference going forward:

And Nick Dennis has also posted a ‘reflections’ blog – starting with a photo of his ‘Saturday evening wear’ but quickly into motivation and principles:

We think that’s all the blogs that have been posted – but if we’ve missed yours, let us know.

See you all next time …

